So I am not getting this error I keep getting.

 select distinct substr(CUSTZIP, 1,5), AVG(CUSTBAL), custcity, custstate
 from customer
 group by CUSTCITY, custstate
 having CUSTSTATE = 'wa' AND avg(CUSTBAL) >100;


The error says "not a GROUP BY clause" and suggests adding "substr (CUSTZIP, 1,5), AVG (CUSTBAL)" to the group by clause, but that won't work either. What I am trying to do is list postal codes and average balances by city in WA only and have a balance of over $ 100. Can someone help me point out my mistake. I'm sure this is something simple, but I don't seem to understand it at a basic level.


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3 answers

The error you are getting is that you are trying to do an aggregation (i.e. sum

, avg

etc.) and not including all the columns in the sentence select

in your sentence group by

. If you select a column, then you must group that column also when using aggregate functions.

In your specific case, you need to add substr(custzip, 1,5)

to your proposal group by


select substr(custzip, 1,5), custcity, custstate, avg(custbal)
from customer
where custstate = 'wa'
group by substr(custzip, 1,5), custcity, custstate
having avg(custbal) > 100;


Also, please note that you can uninstall distinct

as it group by

will take care of this.

I also moved custstate = 'wa'

to the criteria WHERE

. Since it WHERE

runs before HAVING

, this will reduce the number of results that need to be aggregated.



The problem is not the sentence having

. This is substr(CUSTZIP, 1, 5)

. Here's one way to fix the problem:

select substr(CUSTZIP, 1, 5), AVG(CUSTBAL), custcity, custstate
from customer
group by CUSTCITY, custstate, substr(CUSTZIP, 1, 5)
having CUSTSTATE = 'wa' AND avg(CUSTBAL) > 100;


By the way, it is select distinct

almost never required with group by


Alternatively, you can use the aggregation function:

select max(substr(CUSTZIP, 1, 5)), AVG(CUSTBAL), custcity, custstate
from customer
group by CUSTCITY, custstate
having CUSTSTATE = 'wa' AND avg(CUSTBAL) > 100;




Here are some tips:

  • You should accept the suggestion to add substr (CUSTZIP, 1,5), AVG (CUSTBAL) 'to the group by clause.

  • Pay particular attention to clear and group using.



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