Line spacing between Stacklayout - Xamarin Forms

I have a stacklayout that has three labels. But when I show there is a space between these labels. I want to avoid space. Can anyone help me which property will avoid this problem.

Thanks for your help in advance


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1 answer

Use the StackLayout Spacing property to adjust the spacing between items.

Following is shown: -

        StackLayout objStackLayout = new StackLayout()
            Orientation = StackOrientation.Vertical,
            Spacing = 0

        Label objLabel1 = new Label();
        objLabel1.BackgroundColor = Color.Red;
        objLabel1.Text = "Red";

        Label objLabel2 = new Label();
        objLabel2.BackgroundColor = Color.Green;
        objLabel2.Text = "Green";
        objLabel2.Font = Font.OfSize("Arial", 48);

        Label objLabel3 = new Label();
        objLabel3.BackgroundColor = Color.Blue;
        objLabel3.Text = "Blue";
        objLabel3.Font = Font.OfSize("Arial", 48);




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