Logging out of Notes Authentication

I have a Lotus Notes application that uses the default Lotus Notes http.

On our dev server, Notes has an html form that sends a login request to names.nsf

<form method="post" action="/names.nsf?Login" name="_DominoForm">


and exiting is done similarly by calling



This has found its way on other Notes servers as well, but then that's the default, so what else can you expect?

While login is a form that Notes automatically opens, the logout button must be part of our web application (with a backend in LotusScript), and I hardcoded a link to names.nsf.

Now the client seems to be using a customized setup where login and logout are not done using names.nsf. I don't know what they do to login, but when trying to call, /names.nsf?LogOut

access is denied.

Is there any way to programmatically know which action to use to register a user? If not, the logout should be done in our backend (at least iNotes does this). How can I program the note log into the Lotus Notes agent?


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1 answer

Don't you need to use names.nsf? logout. You can use any database. I would suggest using the one where you have a user. If security is set correctly on names.nsf, web users shouldn't be able to access it, which is why you get an access denied message (and why you shouldn't use this database to log out).

For example, I have a web application located at /websites/myApplication.nsf. Sign Out -

<a href="/websites/myApplication.nsf?logout&redirectto=/websites/myApplication.nsf/LogoutPage">Logout</a>


I am using redirect to send a user to a specific location after logging out. The LogoutPage is set up for public users, so it appears after logging out.



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