Auto save my changes

I could only find one addon for autosave / draft-save. The problem is, if the browser crashes while editing the page content or creates a new page, those changes will be lost. And it is not always that you can save manually.

The add-on I found and installed: I installed it using buildout and activated it in the add-on. Although this doesn't seem to work for me. Has anyone managed to get it to work? To test this, I crashed the browser (and also just closed the browser while editing) and according to the documentation for this add-on, the saved content should be in portal_drafts. But there is nothing there.

I followed this.

Stackoverflow has the best automatic save future EVER. It would be nice with these, but just a regular autosave would be fine.

Are there any other plone fans who have overcome this hurdle? How do I find a nice supplement to help?


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1 answer

Do you want to automatically save the input to richtextfields (tinymce) or all fields?

there is a plugin for tinymce you could try adding:



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