Fourier coefficients for NFFT - non-uniform fast Fourier transform?

I am trying to use the pynfft package in python 2.7 to perform a non-uniform fast Fourier transform (nfft). I have only learned python for two months, so I have some difficulties.

This is my code:

import numpy as np
from pynfft.nfft import NFFT

#loading data, 104 lines
t_diff, x_diff = np.loadtxt('data/analysis/amplitudes.dat', unpack = True)

N = [13,8]
M = 52

#fourier coefficients
f_hat = np.fft.fft(x_diff)/(2*M)

plan = NFFT(N,M)

x = t_diff
plan.x = x

# vector of non uniform samples
f = x_diff[0:M]

plan.f = f
plan.f_hat = f_hat
f = plan.trafo()


I basically follow the instructions I found in the pynfft tutorial ( ).

I need nfft because the time intervals in which my data is executed are not constant (I mean the first measure is taken on t, second after dt, third after dt + dt 'with dt' different from dt, etc. etc.).

The pynfft package wants to execute a vector of Fourier coefficients ("f_hat") before executing it, so I calculated it using numpy.fft, but I'm not sure if this procedure is correct. Is there any other way to do this (with nfft perhaps)?

I would also like to calculate numbers; I know there is a command with numpy.fft: is there anything similar for pynfft? I didn't find anything in the tutorial.

Thanks for any advice you can give me.


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1 answer

Here's a working example, taken from here :

First, we define the function we want to reconstruct, which is the sum of the four harmonics:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


%pylab inline --no-import-all

# function we want to reconstruct
k=[1,5,10,30] # modulating coefficients
def myf(x,k): 
    return sum(np.sin(x*k0*(2*np.pi)) for k0 in k)

x=np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,1000)   # 'continuous' time/spatial domain; -0.5<x<+0.5
y=myf(x,k)                     # 'true' underlying trigonometric function

ax =fig.add_subplot(111)


                        # we should sample at a rate of >2*~max(k)
M=256                   # number of nodes
N=128                   # number of Fourier coefficients

nodes =np.random.rand(M)-0.5 # non-uniform oversampling
values=myf(nodes,k)     # nodes&values will be used below to reconstruct 
                        # original function using the Solver




We initialize and start Solver:

from pynfft import NFFT, Solver

f     = np.empty(M,     dtype=np.complex128)
f_hat = np.empty([N,N], dtype=np.complex128)

this_nfft = NFFT(N=[N,N], M=M)
this_nfft.x = np.array([[node_i,0.] for node_i in nodes])

this_nfft.f = f

print this_nfft.M  # number of nodes, complex typed
print this_nfft.N  # number of Fourier coefficients, complex typed
#print this_nfft.x # nodes in [-0.5, 0.5), float typed

this_solver = Solver(this_nfft)
this_solver.y = values          # '''right hand side, samples.'''

#this_solver.f_hat_iter = f_hat # assign arbitrary initial solution guess, default is 0

this_solver.before_loop()       # initialize solver internals

while not np.all(this_solver.r_iter < 1e-2):


Finally, we show the frequencies:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax =fig.add_subplot(111)

foo=[ np.abs( this_solver.f_hat_iter[i][0])**2 for i in range(len(this_solver.f_hat_iter) ) ]






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