Angular.js isolated scope directive not working

I am creating an angular directive. I am binding a property to an isolated scope in a directive like

scope : {
   contentModel : '='


'use strict';

 * Tc markdown directive
var myapp = angular.module('myapp',[]);

myapp.directive('tcMarkdown',[function() {
  var directive = {};
  directive.restrict = 'E';
    directive.template = '<div><div class="row"><!--Content edit pane --><div class="col-md-12"><textarea class="form-control editor" ng-model=""></textarea></div></div></div>{{contentModel}}';
  directive.scope = {
    contentModel : '='
  }; = function(scope, element, attrs) {
    scope.options = {selected : 0};
    scope.$watch(function() {
      return scope.options.selected;
    }, function(newVal) {
      if(newVal===1) {
        scope.buttonCaption = {text : 'Edit'};
      } else if(newVal === 0) {
        scope.buttonCaption = {text : 'Preview'};
  return directive;

<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myapp">
<data-tc-markdown content-model="content"></data-tc-markdown>

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Two way binding doesn't work.

As I type textarea the model is not updated.

What am I missing?


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2 answers

I don't see how you tie the inner contentModel

to yours textarea


Here is an updated working fiddle .

I changed

to ng-model

on contentModel


  myapp.directive('tcMarkdown',[function() {
  var directive = {};
  directive.restrict = 'E';
    directive.template = '<div><div class="row"><!--Content edit pane --><div class="col-md-12"><textarea class="form-control editor" ng-model="contentModel"></textarea></div></div></div>';
  directive.scope = {
    contentModel : '='
  }; = function(scope, element, attrs) {
    scope.options = {selected : 0};
    scope.$watch(function() {
      return scope.options.selected;
    }, function(newVal) {
      if(newVal===1) {
        scope.buttonCaption = {text : 'Edit'};
      } else if(newVal === 0) {
        scope.buttonCaption = {text : 'Preview'};
  return directive;


And then I pulled {{contentModel}}

to make sure it {{content}}

links in the outer area:

<div ng-app="myapp">
<data-tc-markdown content-model="content"></data-tc-markdown>


it looks like it works.



The "content" variable must be defined in the outer scope of your directive. For example, see below: I have defined content1 and content2 in an external controller. They contain the values ​​themselves.

var myapp = angular.module('myapp',[]).controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    $scope.content1 = 'Hello';
    $scope.content2 = 'World';

<div ng-app="myapp">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">
        <data-tc-markdown content-model="content1"></data-tc-markdown>
        <data-tc-markdown content-model="content2"></data-tc-markdown>




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