Meteorjs sendEerificationEmail error

I am setting up EMAIL_URL



This worked with

    to: '',
    from: '',
    subject: 'test',
    text: 'some text'


However, this failed

    sendVerificationEmail: true




gives me errors

Exception when calling method 'createUser' RecipientError: Unable to send mail - all recipients were rejected

at Object.Future.wait (.meteor \ tools \ dc9fb5197a \ lib \ node_modules \ fiber \ future.js: 326: 15)

in smtpSend (packages / email / email.js: 91)

at Object.Email.send (packages / email / email.js: 152)

at Object.Accounts.sendVerificationEmail (packages / accounts-password / password_server.js: 571)

in packages / accounts -password / password_server.js: 692

at tryLoginMethod (packages / accounts-base / accounts_server.js: 171)

at Object.Accounts._loginMethod (packages / accounts-base / accounts_server.js: 287)

at Meteor.methods.createUser (packages / accounts-password / password_server.js: 668)

at maybeAuditArgumentChecks (packages / livedata / livedata_server.js: 1487)

in packages / liveata / livedata _server.js: 643

in SMTPClient._actionRCPT (.meteor \ packages \ email \ a59237d5f0 \ npm \ node_modules \ simplesmtp \ lib \ client.js: 909: 27)

in SMTPClient._onData (.meteor \ packages \ email \ a59237d5f0 \ npm \ node_modules \ simplesmtp \ lib \ client.js: 329: 29)

at CleartextStream.emit (events.js: 95: 17)

in CleartextStream. (_stream_readable.js: 748: 14)

at CleartextStream.emit (events.js: 92: 17)

at emitReadable_ (_stream_readable.js: 410: 10)

at _stream_readable.js: 403: 7

on process._tickCallback (node.js: 419: 13)

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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1 answer

I fixed this by adding the following to my server-side code:

Accounts.emailTemplates.from = "";

I don't know why it should matter, because I already set my MAIL_URL correctly with my username, but it does! :)



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