MySQL update query with WHERE clause and INNER JOIN does not work

Didn't seem to reach the next step in my update request. I can successfully view columns related to no problem selection:

SELECT sales_flat_order_grid.entity_id,sales_flat_order_grid.increment_id,sales_flat_order.coupon_code
FROM sales_flat_order_grid 
INNER JOIN sales_flat_order ON sales_flat_order_grid.entity_id = sales_flat_order.entity_id     
WHERE sales_flat_order_grid.increment_id = "12345678";


This shows 3 columns where everything is associated with the correct increment_id value.

The next step is to update the sales_flat_order.coupon_code field. Here's my attempt:

UPDATE sales_flat_order 
INNER JOIN sales_flat_order ON sales_flat_order_grid.entity_id = sales_flat_order.entity_id      
WHERE sales_flat_order_grid.increment_id = "12345678"
SET coupon_code = "newcoupon";


But I keep getting the message Not unique table / alias name: 'sales_flat_order' . Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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3 answers

The query should be like below, you joined the same table and hence the unique alias problem. I added a table alias for better readability.

sales_flat_order sfo
INNER JOIN sales_flat_order_grid sfog 
ON sfog.entity_id = sfo.entity_id      
SET sfo.coupon_code = "newcoupon"
WHERE sfog.increment_id = "12345678" ; 




You need to update sales_flat_order

and join sales_flat_order_grid

- you joined sales_flat_order


UPDATE sales_flat_order 
INNER JOIN sales_flat_order_grid 
      ON sales_flat_order_grid.entity_id = sales_flat_order.entity_id      
WHERE sales_flat_order_grid.increment_id = "12345678"
SET coupon_code = "newcoupon";




Yo has two times sales_flat_order

, change withsales_flat_order_grid

UPDATE sales_flat_order
INNER JOIN sales_flat_order_grid ... -- Need change the namme of the table


If you want to join the same table use ALIAS

UPDATE sales_flat_order AS sfo1
INNER JOIN sales_flat_order AS sfo2 ...




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