Supervisord (node ​​supervisor) 3.0b2 cannot upgrade to 3.1.2 Ubuntu 1404.1 LTS

I'm having trouble reloading Node.js running supervisord --version 3.00b2, so I'm trying to upgrade to the latest version:

This is the question: is it impossible, or?

I've tried with:

  • apt-get install supervisor
    Result: The supervisor is already the newest version.

  • manager easy_install
    Result: after running "python install"
    Result: Dependency handling for supervisor Completed dependencies for dispatcher

But the version is still 3.0b2.

More info, please reply if you like this:
I've seen issues with version 3.0b2, eg supervisor restart error :, [Errno 2]
in version 3.0a1

I am new to supervisor and was looking for a process manager for Node.js.

Second question: is this the right tool or can you leave others?


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2 answers

I was able to install manager 3.1.3 on Ubuntu 14.04.1 using dong:

sudo apt-get remove supervisor


to remove 3.0b2. Then:

sudo pip install supervisor


to install 3.1.3.

If you don't have an established protocol:

sudo apt-get install python

sudo apt-get install pip


One caveat is that this installed supervisor is in / usr / local / bin instead of (I think) / usr / bin, so I had to update my /etc/init.d/supervisor script to:



Hope it helps.



Installing the latest supervisor on ubuntu 14.04.5 I did the following:

apt-get install python-pip

pip install supervisor


now the script in /etc/init.d/supervisor looks for supervisor and and supervisorctl in / usr / bin / and you need to add a symlink from / usr / local / bin / supervisord to / usr / bin / supervisord and same for supervisorctl

ln -s /usr/local/bin/supervisorctl /usr/bin/supervisorctl
ln -s /usr/local/bin/supervisord /usr/bin/supervisord


/etc/init.d/supervisor start/restart

should work now



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