SQL pivot table in general table expression

I'm trying to make a pivot table using a generic table expression, but my pivot table is returning null values ​​in pivot columns. When I select * from cte, my results are returned as I expected. I could, with some help, figure out why my pivot table is not working correctly.

In my general table expression, two tables are concatenated that looks like this:

production line

ID | ProductionLine
1 | Line A
2 | Line B

ProductionData h3>

ID | ProductionLine_ID | UnitsProduced | ProductionDate
-------------------------------------------------- -----
1 | 1 | 200 | 2014-09-18
2 | 2 | 50 | 2014-09-18
3 | 1 | 100 | 2014-09-19

All identifiers are int fields. UnitsProduced is an int int. ProductionDate is a datetime field

Here is my sql query

; with cte as (select pl.ProductionLine as ProductionLine, pd.ProductionDate as ProductionDate, pd.UnitsProduced as UnitsProduced 
from ProductionLine pl
ProductionData pd on pl.ID = pd.ProductionLine_ID

select * from 
    select ProductionLine, 
    from cte
) x
    max (UnitsProduced) 
    for ProductionLine in ([Line A])
) pvt

I have to get a result that looks like this:

ProductionDate | Line A
2014-09-18 | 200
2014-09-19 | one hundred

However, my result looks like this:

ProductionDate | Line A
2014-09-18 | NULL
2014-09-19 | NULL

Any help would be appreciated



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1 answer

It is extremely common to see a select clause do something like this if the data is NULL:

SELECT ISNULL ([FieldName], 0) as [FieldName] FROM SOMTEABLE

The good thing is that for a query using PIVOT

this is no different, you are still solving the NULL thru problem SELECT clause

, although one problem is that you used "select *" and that shortcut hides the positions where you can solve this problem.

Syntax using CTE. Notice that there is now "select *", and ISNULL(.....,0)


      AS (
                  pl.ProductionLine AS ProductionLine
                , pd.ProductionDate AS ProductionDate
                , pd.UnitsProduced  AS UnitsProduced
            FROM ProductionLine pl
                  JOIN ProductionData pd
                              ON pl.ID = pd.ProductionLine_ID

      ISNULL([Line A], 0) [Line A]
    , ISNULL([Line B], 0) [Line B]
          , ProductionDate
          , UnitsProduced
      FROM cte
      ) x
      FOR ProductionLine IN ([Line A], [Line B])
      ) pvt


Personally, I don't recommend using a CTE unless there is a proven need for it, which is wrong here, and a simple subquery will do the exact same job with a slightly simplified syntax.

      ISNULL([Line A], 0) [Line A]
    , ISNULL([Line B], 0) [Line B]
            pl.ProductionLine AS ProductionLine
          , pd.ProductionDate AS ProductionDate
          , pd.UnitsProduced  AS UnitsProduced
      FROM ProductionLine pl
            JOIN ProductionData pd
                        ON pl.ID = pd.ProductionLine_ID
      ) x
      FOR ProductionLine IN ([Line A], [Line B])
      ) pvt


, SQLFiddle



I have used ISNULL () in the above, which is TSQL specific, and also the PIVOT syntax. Stackoverflow recommends using standard SQL if possible, so note that in the queries above you can use COALESCE()

instead ISNULL()

. But also note that these functions are not exactly the same.



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