How to get search criteria in Outlook

I am trying to edit the search folder in Outlook. But the search folder is treated like a regular folder: in this MSDN link , MS reports that "GetSearchFolders returns a collection of folders."

I believe that once I have a filter in my search folder, I'll have to delete the current one, edit the filter and create a new one, but that's the easy part. I found for example. here's how to create and delete search folders. Everywhere I find create and delete, but no one seems to know how to edit it or get the filter that relates to it ...


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1 answer

The Outlook Object Model will not let you edit the search criteria in the search folder.

You can use Extended MAPI (C ++ or Delphi, you can see the search criteria in OutlookSpy if you select the search folder and click on IMAPIFolder and go to the GetSearchCriteria tab) or Redemption (in any language): it provides RDOSearchFolder (allows you to create and manage search folders) and the RDOStore2.Searches collection - it exposes saved searches (backed up by MAPI search folders) visible in the search node folders in Outlook.

UPDATE: The following script will print the search criteria of all searches in the default profile:

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set Searches = Session.Stores.DefaultStore.Searches
for each Search in Searches
  Debug.Print  "-------------"
  Debug.Print Search.Name & ": "
  Debug.Print Search.SearchCriteria.AsSQL




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