Why is the constructor / destructor defined the same as in g ++ the generated assembly code?

I wrote a simple C ++ program that defines a class like below:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Computer



int main()
  Computer compute;  
    return 0;


When I use g++

(Test is on x86 32-bit Linux with g ++ 4.6.3.) To build ctors

and dtors

, I get these definitions at the end of the section .ctors


    .globl  _ZN8ComputerC1Ev
    .set    _ZN8ComputerC1Ev,_ZN8ComputerC2Ev
    .globl  _ZN8ComputerD1Ev
    .set    _ZN8ComputerD1Ev,_ZN8ComputerD2Ev


After converting to the resulting assembly code, I figured out what _ZN8ComputerC1Ev

should be the function name that is used when constructing the class Computer

, and _ZN8ComputerC2Ev

this is the name of the class constructor Computer

. The same thing happens in the declaration and call of the destructor Computer


It seems like a table is built by linking the constructor and its implementation.

So my questions are:

  • What is actually this constructor / destructor information for?

  • Where can I find them in format ELF


I dropped the related sections .ctors

and .init_array

, but I just can't find the metadata that defined the relationship between _ZN8ComputerC1Ev

and _ZN8ComputerC2Ev



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1 answer

There is no table here. .globl

and .set

- these are so-called assembly directives or pseudo-operators. They signal something to the assembler, but don't necessarily result in actual code or data being generated. From the docs :


symbol, .globl



makes the symbol visible to ld

. If you define a symbol in your partial program, its value is given to other partial programs that are associated with it. Otherwise, the symbol takes its attributes from the symbol with the same name from another file associated with the same program name.


symbol, expression

Set character value to expression. This changes the symbol value and type to match the expression.

Thus, the snippet you specify simply ensures that the constructor is bindable in case it references other compilers. The only effect you usually see in the latest ELF is the presence of these symbols in the symbol table (if it has not been removed).

Now, you might be interested to know why you have two different names for the constructor (for example, _ZN8ComputerC1Ev

and _ZN8ComputerC2Ev

). The answer is somewhat tricky, so I'll link to another SO question that addresses it in detail:

Double-highlighting constructor characters



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