Groovy single threaded stream safe

Is the @Singleton annotation in Groovy justified as being single-threaded, thread-safe?

If it isn't, is this the easiest way to create a thread-safe singleton using Groovy?


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1 answer

The actual class used as an instance is not thread safe (unless you do this). There are many examples here (e.g. Are final static variables thread safe in Java?: It uses static final HashMap

, which is not thread safe)

creating a singleton using groovys @Singleton

annotation is thread safe (and you have to rely on it).

The docs show two versions of the corresponding Java code generated by the transformation:

  • Here is the regular version @Singleton

    that results in a variable static final

    which is again thread safe in java:

    public class T {
        public static final T instance = new T();
        private T() {}

  • For version lazy

    ( @Singleton(lazy=true)

    ) Double lock created :

    class T {
        private static volatile T instance
        private T() {}
        static T getInstance () {
            if (instance) {
            } else {
                synchronized(T) {
                    if (instance) {
                    } else {
                        instance = new T ()

For reference: gist with simple class and disassembled code



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