How are Optional Variables a "powerful solution"?

I was thinking how is this "Powerful solution" according to the apple of optional variables really powerful if this is what we already had in Obj-c?

var mystring: String? = nil

if mystring {
  //string is not nil


The second script won't compile

var mystring: String = nil

if mystring {
  //string is not nil


We've been able to do this in Obj-C before without any additional configuration.

NSString * somestring = @"Test";

if(something != [NSNull null]){
  //Do something.



NSString * anotherstring = nil;

if(anotherstring == [NSNull null]){
  //display error.


so I'm really confused about how this is as powerful as they claim if it already existed in the old language.

Some information about additional variables


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3 answers

In Objective-C, a pointer to an object can be nil

, yes. But there was no compulsion about meaning nil


NSString *shouldNeverBeNil = @"a string!";
shouldNeverBeNil = nil;
NSLog("Hello, %@", shouldNeverBeNil); // "Hello, "


In ObjC, this compiles just fine, although we should never hail to anything. This is mistake.

But if we do the same in Swift, it doesn't even compile and we don't get a runtime error.

var shouldNeverBeNil: String = "a string!"
shouldNeverBeNil = nil; // Compilation error.
NSLog("Hello, %@", shouldNeverBeNil); // never happens


Options allow you to bless variables with the ability to be nil

. Compile errors are always preferable to runtime errors as it is impossible for the end user of your application to execute a compile error.

If you want this value to be nil

, Swift forces you to bless it explicitly, as optional. Now if it is nil

, you have explicitly allowed it, and Swift reminds you to handle both the case handle nil

and the value in your code.

var okToBeNil: String? = "a string!"
okToBeNil = nil;
if okToBeNil != nil {
  NSLog("Hello, %@", okToBeNil!); // never happens
} else {
  NSLog("What is your name?")




An optional type is itself (actually an enumeration) and it can contain 2 values:

  • the actual instance / value of the type that is optional used (corresponds to the enumeration case Some

  • a nil

    (matches the None

    enum case ) that represent the absence of a value

The difference with other languages ​​such as ObjectiveC is that options do not use a valid type value, which may have a value in some cases and a different value in others.

In object C, the absence of a reference type is represented nil

, which is actually a pointer to location 0x00000000 (in a 32-bit scenario).

Missing a value type instead is usually done by convention. A function that returns an integer can define -1 as no value, but -1 is an integer, and if the function can return negative values, it cannot be used.

In Swift, instead of an optional, there can be either a valid integer value, or None

that is not an integer (nor does it use an instance of a class, structure, or any other type with an optional).

Also, and more importantly, you cannot assign nil

to an optional variable
- which results in a compilation error, so it prevents a lot of common errors that are usually found at runtime and are often difficult to track down.

Finally, while in a C object you can use nil

for reference types, you cannot use for a value type (as above for an integer type). In swift, the optional parameter can instead be zero regardless of the type it contains - so it Int?

can be an integer or nil




The Swift option allows you to make the value of a variable explicitnil

, whereas Objective-C is all for guessing games. Less nightmares about mistakes EXC_BAD_ACCESS

. Where the strength lies.



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