Xamarin Forms content page: change flow direction from right to left?

how can I change the direction of flow on the content page of Xamarin forms from left to right to right to left? something like a Windows Phone flow direction property?


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4 answers

@Hodor thanks there is no support for such a thing (at least at this time). A workaround to use when browsing lists is to create multiple list item templates with LTR / RTL directions and use them according to the current UI culture.

Another workaround for other controls is to implement a renderer for each control type and change its HorizontalOptions or XAlignment to suit the culture of the user interface.



it 2017 and Xamarin forms don't support RTL yet ..



It might be worth mentioning that the Grial UI Kit has just added RTL support.

enter image description here

More details here



Do you mean navigation flow?

Usually left => right means adding the page to the navigation stack, while right => left means removing.

You can extend the navigation controller in a native C # codec and create custom animations. There are many ways to do this. Here is an example in MonoTouch

public partial class ScreenController : UINavigationController
     private Page currentPage = null;

             private void setCurrentPage(Page p)
        currentPage = p;
        //Using present View Controller: will set the current page to root.
        PresentViewController(new UINavigationController(currentPage.CreateViewController())
                                ModalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyle.FlipHorizontal,
                            }, true, null);

        //Using custom animation
        PushControllerWithTransition(this, currentPage.CreateViewController(), UIViewAnimationOptions.TransitionFlipFromLeft);

    public static void PushControllerWithTransition(this UINavigationController target, UIViewController controllerToPush,
        UIViewAnimationOptions transition)
        UIView.Transition(target.View, 0.75d, transition, delegate()
            target.PushViewController(controllerToPush, false);
        }, null);




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