The minimum volume is too loud, cannot be set below

Is there a way to lower the volume on SoundCloud below the minimum? I noticed that you cannot set the exact volume of the sound in the soundcloud, I believe it is like 100> 90> .... 30> 20> 10> 0, but I need it around ~ 6%.

It seems to me that I will lose my ears by 10% (I have a very powerful system, which is always 100%, cannot change this.) You don't want to know how it sounds 100% in soundcloud). You have no problem with other players and pages.


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2 answers

Using HTML5 widget, yes you can.

Check out the API playground here .

Using the function setVolume()

, you can set the volume to any int value between 0 and 100. Setting the value to 6 should give you the results you want.

Please refer to the API link for more information on how to use this feature:

On the other hand, this is more of a hardware configuration issue / issue than a programming issue.



In Chrome, you can install an EQ extension like this one .

Then, in the Soundcloud tab, open the equalizer extension and drag the white line down, lowering the volume of that tab only.

I wanted to listen to Soundcloud while watching courses, but Soundcloud's quietest volume was still overwhelming.

Hope this helps someone!



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