OCaml websocket "Invalid UTF8 data"

I am trying to create a loop with Lwt that will pop a frame into a Websocket, wait for a response, print it to the screen, wait 60 seconds, and then repeat the process again. I was able to get something that compiles, but I am not 100% right yet. The first time through the loop everything works fine, then every time after that I get the error "Invalid UTF8 data". I must have something wrong in my Lwt loop or in my understanding of Websocket protocols. My code:

#require "websocket";;
#require "lwt";;
#require "lwt.syntax";;

open Lwt

(* Set up the websocket uri address *)
let ws_addr = Uri.of_string "websocket_address"

(* Set up the websocket connection *)
let ws_conn = Websocket.open_connection ws_addr

(* Set up a frame *)
let ws_frame = Websocket.Frame.of_string "json_string_to_server"

(* push function *)
let push frame () =
  >>= fun (_, ws_pushfun) ->
    ws_pushfun (Some frame);
    Lwt.return ()

(* get stream element and print to screen *)
let get_element () = 
  let print_reply (x : Websocket.Frame.t) = 
    let s = Websocket.Frame.content x in
    Lwt_io.print s; Lwt_io.flush Lwt_io.stdout;
  >>= fun(ws_stream, _) ->
      Lwt_stream.next ws_stream
      >>= print_reply 

let rec main () =
  Lwt_unix.sleep 60.0
  >>= (push ws_frame)
  >>= get_element
  >>= main

Lwt_main.run(main ())



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1 answer

I'm not sure what is especially wrong with your code. It doesn't even compile on my system. It looks like you experimented with it at the highest level and created some strange context. I rewrote your code in a slightly cleaner way. First of all, I am passing the connection to the function, so it is cleaner what your functions do. Also, do not wait long over and over again for the same stream. This is not how Lwt are made.

open Lwt

(* Set up the websocket uri address *)
let ws_addr = Uri.of_string "websocket_address"

(* Set up a frame *)
let ws_frame = Websocket.Frame.of_string "json_string_to_server"

(* push function *)
let push (_,push) frame  =
  push (Some frame);

(* get stream element and print to screen *)
let get_element (stream,_) =
  let print_reply (x : Websocket.Frame.t) =
    let s = Websocket.Frame.content x in
    Lwt_io.printlf "%s%!" s in
    Lwt_stream.next stream
    >>= print_reply

let rec main conn : unit t =
  Lwt_unix.sleep 60.0
  >>= fun () -> push conn ws_frame
  >>= fun () -> get_element conn
  >>= fun () -> main conn

let () = Lwt_main.run (
    Websocket.open_connection ws_addr >>= main)




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