Is there a way to install Laravel offline just like CodeIgniter?

I am learning Laravel as my second framework. Before I use CodeIgniter and after switching to Laravel it looks so hard. I already tried to install laravel using composer, but it's online. I just want to ask if there is a way to install a fresh copy of laravel offline? As in CodeIgniter. You just unzip the file and that. Here's my folder structure:

      /laravel --- main laravel code
      /sample_laravel --- this is the installation using online
      /blog --- this is a blank folder, it is the folder I want to install my laravel


Online I tried to use this command:

composer create-project laravel/laravel sample_laravel --prefer-dist 


And that's okay. Can I do this even if I don't have an internet connection? Because I think it requires an active connection.


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1 answer

Can I do this even if I don't have an Internet connection?

Not. The whole point of using Composer is to pull your dependencies from online repositories. An internet connection is required to run Composer.

This link will download the zip from the latest Wizard which is taken directly from the main Laravel Github account.



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