How to fill a textbox based on selection in MVC ..?

Hi, I created a table and linked it to an MVC project through an ADO.NET object. Once connected, I added a controller for the object and it creates a set of cshtml files in the VIEW folder in the MVC project. But now I need to create a dropdown and a textbox. I created a dropdown in the cshtml file and also injected logic for it in CONTROLLER. I can create TEXTBOXES as well, but I am facing the problem of poulating TEXTBOX based on a dropdown selection.

My auto model generated by VS 2012 is

 public partial class Plan_S  


        public int PlanId_PK { get; set; }
        public string PlanNames { get; set; }
        public string Hours { get; set; }


My controller for displaying the dropdown `

 public class dropdownController : Controller

        private PivotEntities db = new PivotEntities();

        // GET: /dropdown/

        public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.plannames = new SelectList(db.Plan_S, "PlanId_PK", "PlanNames");

            return View();

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        public ActionResult ddl()
            return View(new Plan_S());



My view.cshtml to display dropdown list


@model Pivot.Models.Plan_S
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";



    @Html.DropDownList("PlanNames", "--select--")




Now when I select an item in the dropdown, it should automatically fill in the corresponding value in the table. Here in my code, the Plan_S table is autogenerated as Plan_S MODEL Class. But in the database, I have a set of values ​​for these columns in a table.

eg..)     PlanId_PK  |   PlanNames  |    Hours
              1           Plan1          1hrs
              2           Plan2          2hrs
              3           Plan3          3hrs


Here in this Plan_S table,

PlanNames column is populated in DROPDOWNLIST, When I select Plan1 in DDL it should populate texbox as 1hrs

When I select Plan2 in DDL, it should fill the textbox as 2 hours.

This is the logic I need and I can do it in asp web forms, but it's tricky in MVC.

I think it needs Jquery for this .......

Please help me, I spent several hours finding this logic ....

Thanks in advance...


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1 answer

First, create a view model to store these things:

public class PlanViewModel
    public List<SelectListItem> Plans { get; set; }


Then, in your controller action, create a model:

public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new PlanViewModel();

    model.Plans = db.Plan_S
        .Select(p => new SelectListItem
            Value = p.Hours,
            Text = p.PlanNames

        return View(model);


Then, in your view, do:

@model Pivot.Models.Plan_S
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";

    @Html.DropDownList("PlanNames", Model.Plans, "--select--")
    <input id="planHours" type="text" />


Then you will need to do the following in jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("[name='PlanNames']").change(function () {




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