IOS iCloud Containers: are these two containers the same?

What I've done

I built an iOS 7 app using the default settings for any associated iCloud. In Xcode 6 I can now see that in my project, by my main target, under capabilities, in iCloud - this shows that my app is not using the default container. If I choose "Use default container" it changes the url.

iOS 7 format - ""
iOS 8 default - ""



  • If I go to iOS 8 by default, will users lose their documents, OR are they actually the same directory?

  • Why change? Who cares? Any clarity on this change would be really helpful.


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1 answer

These are not the same containers. Existing data from the first container will not be available in the second container.

The existing containers of your live apps are still available, but as of Xocde 6.0.1, it seems like new containers require starting with iCloud.

Why this changed is likely to do with the Cloud Kit, but why Apple didn't tell us the developers about this change, or how to properly handle it, is beyond my scope and I would think absolutely ridiculous. This change is fundamental, causes a lot of headaches, and is not implemented in the beta versions of Xcode 6.



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