How to apply partial update to an object using AngularFire


in Angularfire 0.8 confuses me.

Here's a minimal example - snippet of my controller.js file:

    .controller('LandingPageController', ['$scope','$firebase', function($scope,$firebase) {
        $scope.addNode = function() {
            var FB = new Firebase('');
            var fbr = $firebase(FB);
            fbr.$set(1,{firstname: 'James'});
        $scope.addAttribute = function() {
            var FB = new Firebase('');
            var fbr = $firebase(FB).$asObject();
            fbr.lastname = "Bond";


When called addNode()

, of course, in my firebase a node is created:

enter image description here

But when called addAttribute()

, the entire entry is replaced, not the expected one that was added for the "lastname" attribute.

enter image description here

I have no doubt misunderstood the docs. Can anyone please help?


OK, I needed to wait until the object was loaded. Now it works by changing addAttribute


    $scope.addAttribute = function() {
          var FB = new Firebase('');
          var fbr = $firebase(FB).$asObject();
          fbr.$loaded().then(function() {
              fbr.lastname = "Bond";



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1 answer

As you already learned:

  • a FirebaseObject

    (as returned $asObject()

    ) has no method $update

  • when you call $save()

    on FirebaseObject

    before it is fully loaded you can remove other properties

To correct existing data, you can:

  • Wait for the whole object to load (as in your update to the question)
  • Direct call $firebase.$update

$firebase(FB).$update({ lastname: "Bond" });


This latter approach has the advantage that you are not pulling out the entire object, but only to update one property. Note that in most cases this is probably a premature optimization , but still ...



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