How to get all different outliers or not

I want to check if all the dropdown pages have a select value or not?

fox Ex: -

<select id="@model.Id">
     <option value="0">---</option>
     <option value="1">abc</option>
     <option value="2">xyz</option>

<select id="@model.Id">
     <option value="0">---</option>
     <option value="14">abc</option>
     <option value="25">xyz</option>


Both are not the same page and the problem is that dynamic id and name are assigned to both dropdrop down, so I can't use jQuery by id or name and get the selected value, but I don't want to make sure both selected a value by Javascript or jQuery?

How can i do this?

Best regards, Vinit


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3 answers

Try this, you can iterate over everything select

on the page with .each()

and compare with 0

. If the selection value 0

means it was not selected otherwise.

     var value = $(this).val();
     var id = $(this).attr('id');
       alert('this dropdown has no selected value, id = '+id);
       alert('this dropdown has selected value, id = '+id);


Edit - since the OP wants to check if both dropdowns are selected and then show the button, otherwise hide it, use below code

        var totalUnselectedDropdown = $('select option[value="0"]:selected').length;
          // enable button
          // disable button





you can do it like this:


alert($(this).val()) // will alert selected option value attribute value

if($(this).val() > 0) // value greater than 0 means value selected
 alert("Value Selected")





Try the following:

            if(parseInt($(this).val()) > 0){
                //all select have selected value
                //any one/all select have not selected value
                return false;




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