Parsing large XML files (Airspace, Point and Route in AIXM 5.1) with xlinks using Jaxb time consuming

I am trying to parse an AIXM5.1 XML file> 50MB in size using JAXB. I can unmount this xml within a minute itself. But, when I try to iterate through a java object and get the field values ​​in XML, it takes a huge amount of time. After analysis, I found that the xml has xlinks that internally refer to the xml fragment in the same xml, for example around 40,000 xlink links . So every time to find a specific piece of xml that is passed to the xlink, I try to iterate over the whole object. which takes time.

Sample XML snippet below

<aixm:AirspaceGeometryComponent gml:id="ID_2903_1384156119164_17492"><aixm:operation>BASE</aixm:operation>
<aixm:AirspaceVolume gml:id="ID_2903_1384156119164_17493">
<aixm:upperLimit uom="FL">30</aixm:upperLimit><aixm:upperLimitReference>STD</aixm:upperLimitReference>
<aixm:lowerLimit uom="FT">GND</aixm:lowerLimit><aixm:lowerLimitReference>MSL</aixm:lowerLimitReference>
<aixm:AirspaceVolumeDependency gml:id="ID_2903_1384156119164_17494"><aixm:dependency>HORZ_PROJECTION</aixm:dependency>
**<aixm:theAirspace xlink:href="urn:uuid:1c49634e-62ea-4319-bf80-23f3912cef8e">**</aixm:theAirspace>


If you observe that an element has an xlink: href attribute, it has a uuid value through that uuid, I have to find a snippet of the Airspace XML with the corresponding uuid. For example, there are 40,000+ links in xml.

When I googled for resolving xlinks via JAXB I found that JXPath is an alternative. But I could not find examples related to JXPath with inherited classes.

Please guide me if anyone has worked on this or suggested other technologies to me.

Looking forward to your help.


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