How to jointly check if the bits are set to an unsigned integer?

Given an unsigned integer, I would like to know if there is a way to determine if multiple bits are set in one operation. There's already an alternative way to do this by checking bit by bit (shown below), but I was wondering if there is a way to check all the bits collectively.

typedef enum Foo_X
  Foo_0 = 0x1,
  Foo_1 = 0x2,
  Foo_2 = 0x4,
  Foo_3 = 0x8,
} Foo_X;

bool CheckFoo ( UINT Value, Foo_X Foo_to_Check )
    if (Value & Foo_to_Check)
        // Foo_to_Check is present
        return true;

void main()
    UINT value = GetValueFromSomewhere();
    if (CheckFoo(value, Foo_0) && CheckFoo(value, Foo_3))
        // both Foo_0 and Foo_3 are present
        // not both present


An example of using the collective method is shown below. Any ideas? TIA!

bool CheckFooTogether ( UINT Value, UINT Foos_to_Check )
    // check value against Foos_to_Check collectively

void main()
    UINT value = GetValueFromSomewhere();
    if (CheckFooTogether (value, Foo_0 | Foo_3))
        // both Foo_0 and Foo_3 are present
        // not both present           



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3 answers

(Value and Foos_to_Check) == Foos_to_Check



(value & (FOO_0 | FOO_3)) == (FOO_0 | FOO_3)


returns true

when set FOO_0

and FOO_3




You can accomplish this with a simple bitwise check and


bool CheckFooTogether ( UINT Value, UINT Foos_to_Check )
    // check value against Foos_to_Check collectively
    if( (Value & Foos_to_Check) == Foos_to_Check)
        return true;
        return false;

int main()
    UINT value =  Foo_3 | Foo_2;
    if (CheckFooTogether (value, Foo_0 | Foo_3))
        // both Foo_0 and Foo_3 are present
        cout << "both present";
        // not both present    
        cout << "not both present";




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