Array initializer is not allowed here

I have several classes Model

that I am trying to declare with them, but I am getting Array initializer is not allowed here

. What would be a simple job?

public class M1 extends Model {}
public class M2 extends Model {}

List<Model> mObj = new ArrayList<Model>({M1, M2}) //expression expected



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2 answers

In Java 8, you can use the Streams API:

List<String> mObj = Stream.of("m1","m2","m3").collect(Collectors.toList());


Pre Java 8 just use:

List<Model> mObj = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(m1, m2, m3));


For information on this see:



You can use Arrays.asList that will return List<Model>

and then you can pass it to the ArrayList constructor . Note if you are assigning directly to List

return Arrays.asList

to List<Model>

then calling a method such as add()

will throw UnsupportedOperationException

because Arrays.asList returnsAbstractList

You must change

List<Model> mObj = new ArrayList<Model>({M1, M2}) //expression expected



List<Model> mObj = new ArrayList<Model>(Arrays.asList(M1, M2));


since the constructor of the class ArrayList

can takeCollection<? extends Model>



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