Generate change scripts from TFS and Visual Studio database project

Is there a way to generate change scripts from a Visual Studio and TFS project? I would like to either select two versions of the database, or enter a date range and get change scripts that I can pass to the DBA to apply to the production database.

I do not have access to a production diagram to compare the diagram. My DBA wants SQL scripts and won't use snapshot method.

I am using Visual Studio 2013 and SQL Server 2008 and later.



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1 answer

I would suggest that your dba ratio is blocking your ability to deliver high quality software at regular cadence. Production comparison is the correct and supported method to achieve script change. Remember, the tools you are using are built and maintained by the SQL Server team.

If you know when the current production version was shipped, you can create a workspace and get a specific version of your code. If you compile it, you should have a .dacpac for that version and you can use it in comparison.

Another option is to ask your DBA to restore the latest production version to another server so you can "test" the script. Then you can create a script.

Whichever you choose, you need to boost it with management as a blocker for continuous delivery.



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