IDE for debugging Django project

I am new to supported web application development django

and I am currently working on a project. I am using sublime text 3

as a text editor. But it's hard for me to understand what's going on under the hood. Is there a way to debug the application django

, for example when debugging the application C#


in VS

? I searched and found many programmers suggest vim

and tested it. But it slows down my development. How to quickly get acquainted with django



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3 answers

Pycharm (community version is free) will allow you to create dzhango runningserver config and then let you set breakpoints etc. like visual studio.

Edit: Upon further investigation, the free version of pycharm may not support Django



Have you tried the django debug toolbar ? This is useful when you are developing without an IDE. and there are tools on * nix systems, but I think you are using windows.



I find WingIDE ( ) a very attractive framework, especially for Django. It's not free, but (I think) affordable.

If something goes wrong with the django server, you will be thrown back into the Wing debugger. You can choose any level in the opposite direction of the exception and go to the code position. You can then interactively play with the code in the "Debug Probe" - a python shell, looking at the state of local variables, etc. Some (but not all) errors in template rendering take you directly back to the problem of creating the template string. You can of course set breakpoints, start your server and then play around with the code in the Debug probe first (even with changing variables) and continue. I think this is really great. Almost as good as emacs;)



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