Git: how to check what has been fetched
I am working on some stuff here. I do a few add
s, I do a couple of commit
s. Now what I am doing fetch
is to retrieve the remote changes in my remote tracking store.
How can I figure out what it is?
I know what I can do git diff origin/branch branch
to find out what is different from my remote tracking and local branch. But how can I tell what was chosen?
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Difference between local and remote
If you are interested in the differences between local and remote after fetch, you can use the log commands between .git/refs/heads/
and .git/refs/remotes/origin/
or the customized upstream branches (note the use of dots versus your command):
git log ..@{u}
git log branch..origin/branch
or for extended symmetric diff:
git log --oneline --left-right --cherry-pick ...@{u}
git log --oneline --left-right --cherry-pick branch...origin/branch
What is selected
This is recorded by the command itself at runtime:
$ git fetch
From ...
c1e6a44..8f13b81 master -> origin/master
b1304b4..359293c branchA -> origin/branchA
* [new branch] branchB -> origin/branchB
Or with its verbose option ( -v
$ git fetch -v
From ...
c1e6a44..8f13b81 master -> origin/master
b1304b4..359293c branchA -> origin/branchA
= [up to date] branchB -> origin/branchB
+ 1e8827e...cf7aac7 branchC -> origin/branchC (forced update)
As explained in the git reference versions , this FETCH_HEAD
writes out the branch you checked out from the remote repository with the latest git fetch call:
git log ..FETCH_HEAD
However, the previous content FETCH_HEAD
is lost. Therefore, you cannot know exactly what was fetched only by the last fetch command. Try the following command (you can alias it to Git):
cp .git/FETCH_HEAD .git/FETCH_HEAD.old && git fetch -q && diff .git/FETCH_HEAD.old .git/FETCH_HEAD
Incoming changes
I often use the following alias to validate incoming changes:
in = "!git remote update -p; git log ..@{u}"
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I assume you want to see what happened with origin / branch, since you checked out your branch:
I made a logging alias called 'hist': link
In this project, I typed some text into a file and created an initial commit. Then I cloned the repo and made the changes to the clone. Then I went back to origin and made changes to the file. Then I went into the copy and "took". When I type 'git hist --all' this is the output:
* 69c8726 2014-09-25 | origin change (origin/master, origin/HEAD)
| * ee54c17 2014-09-25 | change from copy (HEAD, master)
* 81ba217 2014-09-25 | initial commit
To see the differences between "initial commit" and "change change", I type:
$ git diff 81ba217 origin/master
diff --git a/hello.txt b/hello.txt
index bfd905d..617496a 100644
--- a/hello.txt
+++ b/hello.txt
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
this is text
+this is an origin change
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Using whatever git command you want to display you should use the following revision specification
So, for example, to list the commits you could use
git log --oneline @{u}@{1}..@{u}
To view the files that you might be using
git diff --name-only @{u}@{1}..@{u}
Or any other form or log / diff you like.
This will work for whatever tracking thread you are currently checking out for.
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