Use DIV value in Javascript method to perform calculation

The following <div>

returns an integer between 0-1


<div id=value></div>


The above DIV returns a number, for example: 0.75.

I want to use this return value in a javascript method. How can i do this?

 function getRandomArbitrary() {
    def number =Math.random() * <<THE VALUE THAT I OBTAINED FROM THE ABOVE DIV TAG>>;

     return number;



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2 answers

Assuming you want the value inside the tag, for example <div id=value>1</div>

, you can use .innerHTML

. To ensure that the inside of the div is, in fact, a floating point number, wrap it in parseFloat

(for example, if the div contains "abc", parseFloat will return 0).

In your case:

function getRandomArbitrary() {
    var number =Math.random() * parseFloat(document.getElementById('value').innerHTML);
    return number;




function getRandomArbitrary(elID) {
   return Math.random() * parseFloat(document.getElementById(elID).innerHTML);




The above is in case you have something like:

<div id=number>0.75</div>


If you really want to store the value inside the DIV , then a good way to do it is to use data-*


<div id=number data-value="0.75"></div>


will change the code:






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