Mikrotik - How to add simple load balancing to Mikrotik

I need to connect WAN to microrot routerboard named ppoe-WAN1 and ppoe-WAN2

I want to add a simple load balancing to use a pushed internet connection for all LAN users.


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2 answers

The easiest way is to add a new route with two gateways, like the image below,
Please note: if before adding this route you have to delete the whole route with distance 1 that does not contain routing marks

and disconnect Add default Route

from the connections of the dad

add Route With tow Getway



Having two gateways for the same destination would simply lead to redundancy in the other. It is better to choose one of the following options:
1. Policy Based Routing ( PBR )
2. In the Connection Classifier ( PCC )



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