Using Apache UIMA ConceptMapper in a Proof of Concept Mode

I am trying to use the UIMA ConceptMapper to extract some key concepts and other interesting metadata from text documents. Due to the project time constraints and the fact that I'm not sure if the UIMA ConceptMapper will work in this scenario, does anyone know of any quick way to create a basic program using the ConceptMapper? That is, I can escape with a quick concept without having to write:

  • Analysis engine descriptor
  • Various structures, interfaces, etc.
  • other miscellaneous metafiles

just to see what he can comment from one document? Obviously, if it works at the proof-of-concept level, then the long-term plan is to have all of these structures in place ...


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1 answer

Have you tried Ruta test ? This will allow you to quickly prototype WORDTABLE and WORDLIST , similar to what ConceptMapper can do.



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