Celsius and Fahrenheit Conversion - JavaScript
I want to create a web page with two text boxes, Celsius and Fahrenheit. There is a convert button in between that converts Celsius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to target. If there are letters in any field, I want to cancel the conversion and a pop-up message appears with the message "Numbers only!" Until now I have not figured out how to get the alert and when I type numbers in the Celsius field it always says the number -18 in the same field. Fahrenheit is fine.
<title>Temparature Converter</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="tempconversion.js"></script>
Celsius: <input id="c" onkeyup="convert('C')">
<button type="button" id="convert" onclick="convertTemp()">Convert</button>
Fahrenheit: <input id="f" onkeyup="convert('F')">
function convertTemp(degree) {
if (degree == "C") {
F = document.getElementById("c").value * 9 / 5 + 32;
document.getElementById("f").value = Math.round(F);
} else {
C = (document.getElementById("f").value -32) * 5 / 9;
document.getElementById("c").value = Math.round(C);
Note. I have some code from W3Schools, so I think the onkeyup conversion is a little funny. If possible please let me know how this should change as well as JavaScript.
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No need for attributes onkeyup
as the source code from W3Schools is meant to instantly update values as they were entered.
I changed the functionality to clear the original value so the transform button can work both ways with simple code.
Here's a quick JavaScript to get it working:
function convertTemp() {
// Set the initial variables for c (Celsius) and f (Fahrenheit)
var c = document.getElementById('c'), f = document.getElementById('f');
// Test if there is a value for Celsius
if(c.value != '') {
// Set the value for Fahrenheit
f.value = Math.round(c.value * 9 / 5 + 32);
// Clear the value for Celsius
c.value = '';
// If there isn't a value for Celsius
} else {
// Set the value for Celsius
c.value = Math.round((f.value - 32) * 5 / 9);
// Clear the value for Fahrenheit
f.value = '';
And the accompanying HTML:
Celcius:<input id="c">
Fahrenheit:<input id="f">
<button type="button" id="convert" onclick="convertTemp()">Convert</button>
It can be tested at: http://jsfiddle.net/bhz6uz54/
Something to remember about simple code, for example there is nothing to check that the provided values are acceptable. A small regex can act as a confirmation, but how it is implemented depends on how you want to flag the problem.
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I personally hate Do-it buttons, so I would go with a more dynamic solution:
// Get the Input elements:
var $f = document.getElementById("f");
var $c = document.getElementById("c");
function FC_CF() {
var temp; // Will hold the temperature value
var $targ; // Used to target the element we're not typing into:
if (this.id === "c") { // If we're typing into #c...
$targ = $f; // use #f as target element
temp = (this.value * 9 / 5) + 32; // C2F
} else {
$targ = $c;
temp = (this.value - 32) * 5 / 9; // F2C
// Write the result "as we type" in the other ($targ) field:
$targ.value = !isNaN(temp) ? parseFloat(temp.toFixed(1)) : "Err";
// (Above:) temp is a num ? return floated number, else: "Show some error"
// Assign input listeners to trigger the above function:
$f.oninput = FC_CF;
$c.oninput = FC_CF;
Celcius: <input id="c">
Fahrenheit: <input id="f">
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You can split the functions that perform temperature conversion as follows: I made some changes in the code.
<input id="outputFahrenheit" type="number" placeholder="Fahrenheit"
onchange="temperatureConverterCelsius(this.value)" value="">
<p>Celsius: </p>
<input id="outputCelsius" type="number" placeholder="Celsius"
onchange="temperatureConverterFahrenheit(this.value)" value="">
<script type=""text/javascript>
function temperatureConverterCelsius(valNum) {
valNum = parseFloat(valNum);
document.getElementById("outputCelsius").value = (valNum-32) / 1.8;
//document.getElementById("outputFahrenheit").value = (valNum*1.8)+32;
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class Temperature_conversation {
constructor(celsius) {
this.celsius= celsius;
this.fahrenheit= 0;
this.table_begin= -50.0;
this.table_end= 50.0;
this.table_step= 10.0;
console.log('Celsius fahrenheit');
for(this.celsius = this.table_begin; this.celsius <= this.table_end; this.celsius += this.table_step){
this.fahrenheit = this.celsiusToFahrenhit(celsius);
const minimun_celsius = -273.15;
if (c < minimun_celsius) {
throw 'O argumento es pequeno';
this.celsius = (9.0 / 5.0) * c+ 32;
var res = [this.celsius, this.fahrenheit]
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