Strange error message with Phar

Using phar

to create an archive tar.gz

returns a strange error, the following error message:

"BadMethodCallException" with the message "Cannot add new converted phar" c: /www/dimg/uploads/7e6d3a5e39e43d1351e7069517f11250.tar.gz "to the list of phars, a phar with the same name already exists" in c: \ www \ dimg \ upload.php : 163 Stack trace:

0 c: \ www \ dimg \ upload.php (163): PharData-> compress (4096)

1 {main}

The snippet for creating Phar archives uses:

$dir_id        = md5(microtime() . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$upload_dir    = 'uploads/' . $dir_id;
mkdir($upload_dir, 777);

try {
    $a = new PharData($upload_dir . '.tar.gz');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $error = true;
    $err_msg .= '<li>Exception : ' . $e . '</li>';


I tried to clear the downloads directory, but the same error occurs every time.


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2 answers

Instead of using

$a = new PharData($upload_dir . '.tar.gz');



$a = new PharData($upload_dir . '.tar');


Actually compression generates two .tar and then tar.gz. Since you specified .tar.gz as the original output, it cannot overwrite it with the same file type.



I believe the problem is that you are trying to create the directory that is sent to tar.gz

. In other words, you tell him to create a specific directory and then tell him that he is creating that directory.

All you have to do is build tar.gz

in a different directory than the one you are trying to compress.



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