The compareTo method needs some work

I need to sort the cities and states in the arraylist in alphabetical order of cities, but if 2 cities have the same name, the state will be a tiebreaker.

public class City implements Comparable  
   String name;
   String state;

   ** A constructor for the city and state.
   ** @param name the name of the city.
   ** @param state the name of the state.
   public City(String name, String state)
   { = name;
      this.state = state;
   //Gets the name and returns it.
   public String getName()
      return name;
   //Gets the state and returns it.
   public String getState()
      return state;
   public int compareTo(Object otherCity)
      City other = (City) otherCity;
      if (name.equals(

      return name.compareTo(;  
   public String toString()
      return getClass().getName() + "[Name: " + name 
         + ", State: " + state + "]\n";


This is the piece of code that I believe in where I should make the condition for the tiebreak, but I'm not sure how to code it.

public int compareTo(Object otherCity) {
   City other = (City) otherCity;
   if (name.equals({

     return name.compareTo(;  


Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank!


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3 answers

Comparable generic, so I suggest you provide your type by doing Comparable<City>

class City implements Comparable<City>


Then you can implement your comparisons with something like

public int compareTo(City other) {
    int r =;
    if (r != 0) {
        return r;
    } // the names are not the same, compare the states
    return this.state.compareTo(other.state);


or using triple

public int compareTo(City other) {
    int r =;
    // if (r != 0) then the names are not the same, compare the states
    return (r != 0) ? r : this.state.compareTo(other.state);


Also, since your fields have no setters, I suggest you mark them as final to be immutable

final String name;
final String state;




(I'm going to assume that you agreed with my suggestion in the comments and linked to the type Comparable


If the city name is equivalent, then the state is a tiebreaker. It's simple:

public int compareTo(@Nullable City otherCity) {
    if(null == otherCity) {
        return 1;
    if(name.compareTo(otherCity.getName() == 0) {
        return state.compareTo(otherCity.getState());
    } else {
        return name.compareTo(otherCity.getName());


There's an optimization out there where you don't have to make two calls getName

, but that should give you a general idea. Also, you have setters / getters; your fields should be private




You can try this. Here I am considering the meaning of a state if two cities are equal.

public int compareTo(Object otherCity){
    City other = (City) otherCity;
    int iReturn = name.compareTo(;
    if (iReturn == 0){
         //use your logic what to do when strings are equal. e.g.
         iReturn = iReturn = state.compareTo(other.state);
    return iReturn;  




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