Magento Persistent Shopping Cart Not Working, Emptying Cart?

Magento version:

Problem: Permanent shopping cart is enabled. Durability Yes and a lifespan (seconds) of 60 seconds. but the cart doesnโ€™t clear even I wait over 30 minutes.

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I see this question asked by someone 2 years ago in magento 1.7, but there is no answer. Stack Overflow question click here

I followed this instruction from the link but did not work Magento Permanent Cart Settings

FYI: I feel like it might affect the extension, so it was tested with a fresh install of magento version 1.9. but facing the same problem.

Someone please help me.


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1 answer

In Magento, it's important to run the root / cron.php script every 5 minutes. It activates time-dependent actions.



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