Hibernate ManyToMany with order in conjunction

I have the following DB setup:

ParticipantMove_SID     BigInt        PK
Participant_SID         BigInt        FK
MoveType_SID            BigInt        FK
MoveReason              Varchar(255)    
is_Ops                  Bit 
Order                   Integer

Leg_SID             BigInt      PK
StartRegion_SID     BigInt      FK
EndRegion_SID       BigInt      FK
PlannedStartDate    Datetime    
PlannedEndDate      Datetime    

Leg_PMov_SID         BigInt    PK
Leg_SID              BigInt    FK
ParticipantMove_SID  BigInt    FK
Order                Integer   


Small explication: a participant has several participants-participants with the order of movement within them.

The legs come from transport that different legs will do, for example a plane that flies from Brussels to Paris (leg 1), then Paris to New York (leg 2) and from New York back to Brussels (leg3).

We can invite Members to enter each starting point and exit each end point.
Example: participant 1 flies leg 1 (order 1) and leg 2 (order 2).
The other will fly with leg 2 (order 1) and leg 3 (order 2).
Also, in order for the order to be correct for each participant, it is most logical to place the order in the joinTable.

I don't need to see the order in Java, but I need to store it correctly and also get the list in the correct order.

Is this the only solution or can I also have the list in the correct order (and how to store it)?


@OneToMany @JoinTable(name="TJ_PMOV_LEG")
private Map<Integer,Leg> getLegs()



@OneToMany @JoinTable(name="TJ_PMOV_LEG")
private Map<Integer,ParticipantMove> getMoves()



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1 answer

You can use an index @OrderColumn

. It will be stored in your junction table, the same index as the ArrayList or any other list. It will keep the order in the list.

private List<Leg> getLegs()


Also you can use @OrderBy annotation to order your collection over some column. i.e.

@OrderBy(value="lower(Order) asc") //"Order" is column name form T_PARTICIPANT_MOVEMENT table
private List<ParticipantMove> getMoves()


The latter will add an order by clause to your sql query.

Hope it helps.



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