Will scala compiler pick up regular expressions

I wonder if this:

object Foo {
  val regex = "some complex regex".r
  def foo() {
    // use regex


and this:

object Foo {
  def foo() {
    val regex = "some complex regex".r
    // use regex


will make any difference in performance. those. "some complex regex".r

does the scala compiler recognize what is a constant and cache it so it doesn't recompile every time?


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1 answer

This will make a difference in execution time. The expression from the first example will be evaluated only once. The expression from the second is every time you call Foo.foo()

. Evaluation here means applying the implicitly added "r" function (from scala -library) to a string:

scala> ".*".r
res40: scala.util.matching.Regex = .*


This function actually compiles the regex every time you call it (no caching).

Btw, any naive regex caching at runtime is vulnerable to OutOfMemory

- however I believe it is safe to implement it with WeakHashMap

, but the current Java implementation Pattern

(which underpins scala Regex

) doesn't actually implement it, probably because such an implementation may not have a predictable impact on performance (the GC might have to remove most of the cached values ​​every time it runs), The eviction cache is more predictable, but still not so simple (who will choose the timeout / size for it?). Speaking of scala -way, some smart macro could do compile-time optimizations (do caching only for string based regexes), but by default:

The Scala compiler also lacks regex optimizations, since regexp is not part of the scala language.

Therefore, it is better to move static ".r constructs from a function".



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