How can I programmatically change the menu in Wordpress?

I have created one menu in Norwegian menu_no

and one in English menu_en


enter image description here

I see that my theme only supports one menu, but I am not planning on using more than one menu at a time. So, when the user selects English, how can I change the active menu?

I haven't found anything on Google and I can't seem to find the function I want in nav-menu.php


I found a pretty simple solution for my problem. I just needed to think differently. In mine, functions.php

I added this code:

add_action('init', 'register_menus');

function register_menus(){
    register_nav_menus( array(
        'menu_no' => 'Norwegian menu',
        'menu_en' => 'English menu',
    ) );


and in my header.php

file i am using this code:

global $lang;

$args = array(
    'theme_location' => 'menu_'.$lang,
    'container'         => false

<?php wp_nav_menu($args); ?>


Voila. I'll post it as an answer later - if not someone else comes up with a better idea.


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1 answer

Here's how you can do it.

Will pass this code into functions.php file

// Register Navigation Menus
function custom_navigation_menus() {
$locations = array(
    'first_menu' => __( 'Menu for English language', 'text_domain' ),
    'second_menu' => __( 'Menu for Other Language', 'text_domain' ),
register_nav_menus( $locations );


// Hook into the 'init' action

add_action( 'init', 'custom_navigation_menus' );


You can customize the above code. Now use the wp_nav_menu function to display anywhere you want,

                             wp_nav_menu( array(
                                'menu'              => 'primary',
                                'theme_location'    => 'first_menu',


                             wp_nav_menu( array(
                                'menu'              => 'secondary',
                                'theme_location'    => 'second_menu',



You can display each menu in a different location. You are now in Option under the "Primary" and "Secondary" menus



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