Code Signing Required for Product Type 'Unit Test Bundle' in SDK 'iOS 8.0'

I am trying to build an app on a device (iOS 7.1.2) using Xcode 6, however it always fails with the following error:

CodeSign Error: Code Signing Required for Product Type 'Unit Test Bundle' in SDK 'iOS 8.0'

The project deployment target is 6.0.

Can anyone get stuck with this type of error?

Any suggestions are appreciated!


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4 answers

You need to set code signing for target testing separately, even if you probably set code signing on the main target.
This is what I did:
1. Select a test target
2. Set "Code Signing" → "Code Signing Identity" to your developer ID
3. Build
Hopefully this solves this for you.



The following solution works for me which is mentioned by ZS in this link :

Going to the edit schema and then under Build, removing my unit test target from Run.



I understand this problem. And also I solved it

Please follow these steps:

1.Attach in project setting. In the left pane, see Objectives.

2.Click on (your project name) Tests.

3. More details. Assign an appropriate Bundle ID.

4.Go to create settings-> code signing

5.Has set code signing ID and provisioning profile.

6. Install the assembly.

Now create your project. Now he's fine.



I understand that hugoX solved the problem, but was unable to explain how he solved it.

These instructions are for xcode 6.1:

  • Go to your project settings
  • In the left pane, select your target audience
  • Press the delete key.

Even though this makes the project successful, you cannot use unit tests. If anyone has any other solutions that would be great.



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