Using PHP, if...">

Php: If the input is x, y or z,

In the html page, I have this input:

<input type="text" name="my_input" id="my_input">


Using PHP, if the user types in the input the words "sun", "moon", "stars", I want the script to do things.

Something like this, just don't know how to write it correctly:

if (my_input.value == "sun,moon,stars") {
do stuff


Many thanks!


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5 answers

Or you can use php : preg_match()

if(preg_match("/^(sun|moon|stars)$/i", $_POST['my_input']) === 1) {
    // success




Use in_array()

if( in_array($_POST['my_input'], array("sun", "moon", "stars")) ) {
   //Do stuff




There are several ways to accomplish this. Some are better than others, I personally preferin_array


if (in_array($value, array("sun", "moon", "stars"))) {
    // Do something


If the statement

if ($value == "sun" || $value == "moon" || $value == "stars") {
    // Do something



switch ($value) {
    case "sun":
    case "moon":
    case "stars":
        // Do something


Note that you can achieve more. The above are just a few.



You can easily get the value of text fields using the post method:

<input type="text" name="my_input" id="my_input">

if ($_POST['my_input'] == "sun" || $_POST['my_input'] == "moon" || $_POST['my_input'] == "stars" ) {
do stuff


Or you can use the in_array function.



Although tagged with php, your example code looks like javascript, so here is a javascript solution:

<input type="text" name="my_input" id="my_input" onblur="doStuff(this.value);">
function doStuff(val){

    if(["sun", "moon", "stars"].indexOf(val)!= -1){





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