Failed to change $ PATH on Mac OS X Yosemite

I just want to start by developing Android Apps on my new Mac. So I have to add platform-tools and tools from Eclipsebundle to my $ PATH.

The first thing I did was add these two folders to my local admin account, which did a great job with the command:

echo 'export PATH=/Users/myname/Desktop/adtbundle/sdk/platform-tools:"$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
echo 'export PATH=/Users/myname/Desktop/adtbundle/sdk/tools:"$PATH"' >> ~/.profile


So, I added MacMini to our domain and logged into my account, which is saved in our active directory.

I opened terminal again and typed two commands, but after that, while I want to check my new $ PATH ( echo $PATH

), my $ PATH hasn't changed. It only contains standard folders.

I looked for another How-To for editing $ PATH and tried it like this:


nano .bash_profile


in my .bash_profile i added:

export PATH="/Users/myname/Desktop/adtbundle/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH"
export PATH="/Users/myname/Desktop/adtbundle/sdk/tools:$PATH"


saved everything with control + o

confirmed name by pressing return

and then exit nano by pressingcontrol + x

tried checking my new $ PATH -> it hasn't changed and my bash_profile is empty again - can someone tell me what I did wrong?



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2 answers

After adding the path to .bash_profile, close the terminal and reopen it. try repeating $ PATH. This worked for me. otherwise you can add the path to / etc / profile.



After editing .bash_profile, refresh your bash environment by restarting the terminal or by entering the following command:

source ~/.bash_profile


The ' source ' command will execute the contents of the supplied argument.



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