Laravel bulk assignment for admins

I have an app with the Users table with columns: id|name|email|is_admin

. I want admins to be able to set other users as admins.

In models/User.php

I prevent mass assignment with:

protected $fillable = ['name', 'email'];


Laravel 4 Role Based Bulk Assignment concludes that Laravel does not have such a feature.

My question is, what is viable work ? How do I only allow admins to update the "is_admin" column in my database?


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2 answers

Extend the user model to create an admin-only version without mass assignment protection.

In the new class, override the property $fillable


class UnprotectedUser extends User
    protected $fillable = [<all fields>];


Then use the new model in your admin-specific code:

$user = UnprotectedUser::create($arrayOfAllFields);


Be sure to use the original class as often as possible so that you can continue to use mass assignment protection.



Actually, the following code:

protected $fillable = ['name', 'email'];


will prevent Mass-Assignment

, which means someone can't use something like this:

User::create(['name' => 'xxx', 'email' =>'', 'is_admin' => 1]);


In this case, the field is_admin

won't update, but it is still possible to do the same using something like this (it is not Mass Assignment


$user = User::find($id); // Or $user = new User; (when creating a new user);
$user->name = 'xxx';
$user->email = '';
$user->is_admin = 1;


So there is no need to update User

this way.



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