IOS MusicSequence & MusicPlayer for external midi sync

I am using MusicPlayer to play notes in MusicSequence:

MusicSequenceFileLoad(sequence, (__bridge CFURLRef) midiFileURL, 0, 0);

// Set the endpoint of the sequence to be our virtual endpoint
MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint(sequence, virtualEndpoint);

// Create a new music player
MusicPlayer  p;

// Initialise the music player

// Load the sequence into the music player
MusicPlayerSetSequence(self.player, sequence);
// Called to do some MusicPlayer setup. This just
// reduces latency when MusicPlayerStart is called

-(void)play {


It works well, I would say very well, but I don't want to use the internal clock.

How can I use an external midi clock?
Or maybe I can somehow move the game cursor with the clock.


source to share

1 answer

You can use MusicSequenceSetMIDIEndpoint (sequence, endpointRef);

then create a midi clock

 CAClockRef mtcClockRef;
    OSStatus err;
      err = CAClockNew(0, &mtcClockRef);
            if (err != noErr) {
                NSLog(@"\t\terror %ld at CAClockNew()", err);
            else {
                CAClockTimebase timebase = kCAClockTimebase_HostTime;
                UInt32 size = 0;
                size = sizeof(timebase);
                err = CAClockSetProperty(mtcClockRef, kCAClockProperty_InternalTimebase, size, &timebase);
                if (err)
                    NSLog(@"Error setting clock timebase");


set sync mode

UInt32 tSyncMode = kCAClockSyncMode_MIDIClockTransport;
                size = sizeof(tSyncMode);
                err = CAClockSetProperty(mtcClockRef, kCAClockProperty_SyncMode, size, &tSyncMode);


then set the clock to use the midi endpoint

 err = CAClockSetProperty(mtcClockRef, kCAClockProperty_SyncSource, sizeof(endpointRef), endpointRef);


There is VVMIDINode link code here ->



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