Determine if var is a regular type

How can I determine if the variable passed to my Func is indeed the type I want?

I have a custom type

type Name string


and a set of constants of this type

const Fred Name = "fred"


and I have a func that I need to disallow any other input type other than my custom ex type:

func MyFunc(name1 Name, name2 Name) (*Person, error) {
//bunch of stuff


how do i check inside my func that name1 and name2 are not strings passed to func, but exclusively a constant that is already defined in my type ex:

p, err := MyFunc(Fred,Albert) //What i want
p, err := MyFunc("fred","albert") //What i dont want to happen


if can't answer my question, how can I make, like Enum in Golang, a type that means something and restrict another ppl to use the type i that I have defined


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2 answers

Short version? you cannot create this limiting kind of enum.

Long version, there are several options:

Define a type-checking function:

func (n Name) valid() bool { //private method
    switch n {
    case Mal, Kaylee: //all the valid constants
        return true
    return false


However, this does not prevent anyone from using Name("fred").valid()

as stated in @peterSO point.

Use a structure with a private member in it, however they are not "constants" per se, an external package might reassign them to invalid values:

type Name struct {
    n string

var (
    invalid = Name{}
    Mal     = Name{"mal"}
    Kaylee  = Name{"kaylee"}

func MyFunc(name1 Name, name2 Name) error {
    if name1 == invalid || name2 == invalid {
        return errors.New("invalid names")
    return nil


Use numeric constants and a private array, this is the only reliable validation version, and the closest you get to a real enum:

type Name uint8

var names = [...]string{

func (n Name) valid() bool {
    return uint8(n) < uint8(len(names))

func (n Name) String() string {
    if !n.valid() {
        return "invalid"
    return names[n]

const (
    Mal Name = iota

func MyFunc(name1 Name, name2 Name) error {
    if !name1.valid() || !name2.valid() {
        return errors.New("invalid names")
    return nil




your type implements an interface that is not exported

type Name string

type Private interface{

func (n Name) private() {}

func MyFunc(name1, name2 Private) (*Person, error) {
    //bunch of stuff




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