SSL connection on iOS error

I have a server that is written in C ++ using OpenSSL. The client I'm using is for iOS. I am using SSL security on iOS. To connect to the server here is what I do.

  • Create SSL context

  • Create a socket and connect to the server

  • Install certificates

  • Make a handshake with the server

SSLHandshake returns -9807 invalid invalid certificate chain and on the server side the Server is still waiting for SSL_Accept.

Here is the code


    UINT uitimeout = 40 ; 
    int  inret = 1,err=-1;
    int verify_client = 1;

    m_sslCTX= SSLCreateContext(NULL, kSSLClientSide, kSSLStreamType);
    if (!m_sslCTX)
        printf("\n ERROR in SSL_CTX_new \n");
        return OS_SOCK_ERROR;

    //Socket is created using socket() function
    if ( OS_SockCreate(&listenerSocket, OS_TCP_SOCK, FALSE) != OS_SOCK_OK)
        m_sslCTX = NULL;
        return OS_SOCK_ERROR;

    fcntl(listenerSocket, F_SETFD, O_NONBLOCK);

    /* Setting the socket to ignore Nagle Algorithm */
    OS_SockSetOpt(listenerSocket, TCP_OPT_NODELAY, &inret);

    /* Set  Timeout for send and recv */
    OS_SockSetOpt(listenerSocket, TCP_OPT_RCVTIMEOUT, &uitimeout);
    OS_SockSetOpt(listenerSocket, TCP_OPT_SNDTIMEOUT, &uitimeout);
    OS_SockInfo sockinfo;
    sockinfo.usPort = 5212;
    //connected using connect
    if(OS_SockConnect(listenerSocket, &sockinfo) != OS_SOCK_OK)
        printf("ERROR :: OS_SockConnect \n");
        return OS_SOCK_ERROR;

    OSStatus osstatus;

    osstatus = SSLSetIOFuncs(m_sslCTX, readFromSocket,writeToSocket);
    if(osstatus) {
        return OS_SOCK_ERROR;

    //connectionRef = (SSLConnectionRef)listenerSocket;
    if ((err)==-1)

        return OS_SOCK_ERROR;
    SSLSessionState state;
    SSLGetSessionState(m_sslCTX,  &state);

    osstatus = SSLSetProtocolVersionMin(m_sslCTX,kTLSProtocol1);

    //Set certificates
    if(verify_client == 1)
        CFArrayRef arrcert = CFArrayCreate(NULL, 0, 0, NULL);
        NSData *certData = [[NSData alloc]
        CFDataRef myCertData = (CFDataRef)certData;
        const void *keys[] = { kSecImportExportPassphrase};
        const void *values[] = { CFSTR("password")};

        CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, keys, values, 1, NULL, NULL);

        SecPKCS12Import(myCertData, options, &arrcert);
        CFDictionaryRef item = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(arrcert, 0);

        SecIdentityRef identity = (SecIdentityRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(item, kSecImportItemIdentity);
        CFArrayRef certs = CFArrayCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)&identity, 1, NULL);



    SSLGetSessionState(m_sslCTX,  &state); //Here Session state is Idle

        err = SSLHandshake(m_sslCTX);

    } while (err == errSSLWouldBlock);

    SSLGetSessionState(m_sslCTX,  &state); //here session state is idle and the server is still blocked on SSL_Accept

    return OS_SOCK_OK;
    return OS_SOCK_ERROR;



My server code works fine with C ++ and java clients. I don't know what is missing.


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2 answers

Using a self-signed SSL certificate in iOS can be done with some work, but it is highly recommended not to do so and instead use a trusted certificate. Additionally, Apple may reject apps that use self-signed certificates.



This problem: NSOSStatusErrorDomain errSSLXCertChainInvalid

If you are using OpenSSL

, you can try:

$ openssl s_client -connect

openssl s_client -showcerts -host -port 443

You can get more links here: Sample + Code & section = Resource + Types

I hope this helps



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