How can I order Sunspot search results for a query on multiple models?

I have two log models, ClientJournal

and InstitutionJournal

, and I am using Sunspot to run a query that grabs the records to display together on the log index page:

search = ClientJournal, InstitutionJournal do
  paginate page: params[:page], per_page: 30
  order_by :created_at, :desc


This almost works, but it splits the results into two classes before ordering them, so it search.results

returns something like this:

created_at  class
09:30       ClientJournal
09:12       ClientJournal
08:57       ClientJournal
07:32       ClientJournal
09:45       InstitutionJournal
09:22       InstitutionJournal
09:07       InstitutionJournal


When I really want this:

created_at  class
09:45       InstitutionJournal
09:30       ClientJournal
09:22       InstitutionJournal
09:12       ClientJournal
09:07       InstitutionJournal
08:57       ClientJournal
07:32       ClientJournal


Is there a way to tell Sunspot to order the results together as if they were the same model?


source to share

1 answer

you can do something like this to search multiple models and first get an individual array of models and then sort them like me: -

search = ClientJournal,InstitutionJournal  do
          #fulltext params[:search]
          order_by(:created_at, :desc)
          paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 10
##group them by class
 @results = search.results.group_by(&:class)
##get all clientjournals in created_at order
@clientjournals= @results[ClientJournal]
##OR do anything that you want with the array of cilentjournals
@clientjournals= @clientjournals.sort_by { |a| a.created_at }




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