Apply data dynamically to the state.go function and fetch it in the resolve property

I have a parent state:

.state('schoolyears', {
                url: '/schoolyears',
                views: {
                    'menu@': {
                        template: '<h1>Start your schoolyear action...</h1>'
                    'content@': {
                        templateUrl: "../views/schoolyear/schoolyears.html",
                        resolve: {
                            schoolyears: function (schoolyearService) {
                                return schoolyearService.getSchoolyears();
                        controller: 'SchoolyearsController'
.state('schoolyears.selected', {
                url: '/:id'


and child state:

 .state('', {
                url: '/day/:year-:month-:day',
                views: {
                    'planner@schoolyears.selected.dates': {
                        templateUrl: '../views/lessonplanner/',
                        resolve: {
                            periods: function (periodService, $stateParams, $state) {
                                var schoolyearId = $;
                                var firstDayOfWeek = $;
                                var periods = periodService.getPeriods(schoolyearId, firstDayOfWeek);
                                return periods;
                        controller: 'DateplannerDayController'


When I open the school year in SchoolyearController.js:

 $ = function () {
        var entity = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows()[0];
        var firstDayOfWeek = entity.firstDayOfWeek;
        $state.go('', { id: $}, {firstDayOfWeek: firstDayOfWeek}, {location: false, inherit: false});


I want to pass the firstDayOfWeek from the selected schoolyear element and I want to get this firstDayOfWeek value inside the ui router resolution via $ but there is no variable like firstDayOfWeek.

How can I pass the data attached to state.go and get it from the ui router permission to load the data correctly?


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1 answer

As described here: Resolve , the resolver value can be a string or a function - Factory


This means that we have access to the DI of any Service we need. And also, in the angularjs world, Service - as a singleton - is the most proprietary way to share settings throughout an application. This would be the solution I would suggest. An adjusted plunker showing this idea can be found here .

We would have to introduce a service, for example. Setting up

.factory('Settings', function(){
  return {
    firstDayOfWeek : null,


We also need to bind this service to some custom links:

.controller('SchoolyearsController', function($scope, Settings, schoolyears){
  $scope.Settings = Settings;
  // bind the $scope.Settings.firstDayOfWeek to some selected value


And in our resolver:

  periods: function (Settings, $stateParams) {
    var periods = {
      year: $,
      firstDayOfWeek : Settings.firstDayOfWeek
    return periods;


Check what's here . Perhaps the implementation of the example is a little more complicated, but I think the idea should be clear here.



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