Transaction exception canceled

I have this code to write an image to SqlFileStream


string strFileId;
using (var oTransaction = new TransactionScope()) {    
    var oSqlParameter = new SqlParameter[5];
    oSqlParameter[0] = new SqlParameter("@FileName", imageName);
    oSqlParameter[1] = new SqlParameter("@Description", "Description");
    oSqlParameter[2] = new SqlParameter("@MimeType", mimeType);
    oSqlParameter[3] = new SqlParameter("@Size", size);
    oSqlParameter[4] = new SqlParameter("@FileObjectsId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, 100) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Output };

    DataSet ds = DataAccess.ExecuteDataset(ConnString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "SPInsImage", oSqlParameter);

    strFileId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FileObjectsId"].ToString();
    string strSqlPath = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Column1"].ToString();
    var bytArrContext = (byte[])ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Column2"];

    var fileStream = new SqlFileStream(strSqlPath, bytArrContext, FileAccess.Write);
    fileStream.Write(content, 0, content.Length);
}// throw an TransactionAbortedException
return strFileId;


Other blogs have suggested a timeout issue and I tried to change the transaction timeout but it didn't work.

I tried to use the same code on another server and it works fine.
I don't face any kind of database connection issue, but after writing to the SqlFileStream

context after the line oTransaction.Complete()

when the brackets using

are closed, it throws a TransactionAbortedException with this message:

"An invalid transaction was detected early in the batch. The transaction was canceled. This was caused by an error that occurred while processing a FILESTREAM request in the context of this transaction."


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