How to unit test with random values

How do I unit test with random values? I need to ensure that it gen_age

returns an integer between 15 and 99, but this code is wrong.

import random
import unittest

def gen_age():
    # generate integer between 15 and 99
    return random.randint(15, 99)

class AgeTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.a = gen_age()

    def test_choice(self):
        element = random.choice(self.a)
        self.assertTrue(element in self.a)

    def test_sample(self):
        for element in random.sample(self.a, 98):
            self.assertTrue(element in self.a)

if __name__ == '__main__':



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2 answers

The best way to test similar behavior is to set the seed to a Random object.

The Random package provides the Random class. Random instances have the same methods as a random package; random (), randint (), sample (), ... Additionally, Random accepts a seed. Adding a seed to Random makes it deterministic. For example,

from random import Random
random = Random(666)
assert random.randint(0, 1000) == 467  # will never break


Hence, you would like to test your function as

from random import Random
import unittest

random = Random()

def gen_age():
    # generate integer between 15 and 99
    return random.randint(15, 99)

class AgeTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        global random
        random = Random(666)

    def test_gen_age(self):
        self.assertEqual(gen_age(), 53)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Note that if your test is not in the same file, you will need to patch it randomly using unittest.mock.patch

. Something like this should work

from random import Random
from package.file import gen_age
import unittest

class AgeTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.random = Random(666)

    def test_gen_age(self, random):
        random.randint._mock_side_effect = self.random.randint
        self.assertEqual(gen_age(), 53)




It should be something like this:

def test_GenAge_ReturnIsBetween15And99(self):
    self.assertTrue(self.a >=15 and self.a <= 99);


But you don't really need to check the gen_age function at this time. You are trying to check the python based random generator API, but what is the reason? I do not see.



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