UITableView DataSource Call Sequence Changed In IOS 8

In Ios 8, the calling sequence of the TableView Datasource methods changes. Due to this, I ran into many problems like calibrating the height in cellForRowAtIndexPath, which was not correct for me.

In ios 8 it will look like this:

  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.655 testTable [2861: 49611] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.658 testTable [2861: 49611] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.659 testTable [2861: 49611] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.664 testTable [2861: 49611] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.665 testTable [2861: 49611] cellfor row
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.668 testTable [2861: 49611] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.669 testTable [2861: 49611] cellfor row
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.669 testTable [2861: 49611] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 23: 09.670 testTable [2861: 49611] cellfor row

Cell for height is called again with cell for row.

Up to Ios 8 Call Sequence:

  • 2014-09-29 12: 37: 33.786 testTable [3281: 60b] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 37: 33.788 testTable [3281: 60b] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 37: 33.789 testTable [3281: 60b] Height
  • 2014-09-29 12: 37: 33.794 testTable [3281: 60b] cellfor row
  • 2014-09-29 12: 37: 33.796 testTable [3281: 60b] cellfor row
  • 2014-09-29 12: 37: 33.803 testTable [3281: 60b] cellfor row

Has anyone else faced the same problem?


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